Monday, May 30, 2011

Doing what it takes to stay sane

Day 40

Since having a major crisis of confidence in GAPS, I've really relaxed my attempt to do GAPS Intro as close to the letter as possible. I found that I just had to let go in order to keep my sanity.

Yesterday we included a chopped tomato in a soup and introduced avocado. We also ate chicken livers for the first time. Three new things in one day - I would have considered that reckless a couple of weeks ago. The avocado was absolutely delicious - creamy and fresh tasting - mmmm. Aside from a reflux wakeup at 9:30 p.m., Ellie slept through the night til 5:30. This is remarkable because last time Ellie ate avocado she was up for hours in the night screaming with an ouchie tummy. Today she had a fairly bad face rash, so the jury's out on whether the additions were a very good idea. I don't really care, though. Honestly I feel like if something isn't causing an allergic reaction, we're going to keep it in the diet. I'm so tired of how restricted our diet has been.

Today I had another piece of fruit - a perfectly ripe apricot. I had two handfuls of cashews. Another first since being on GAPS. We tried juicing again - this time juicing cucumbers.

The pièce de résistance of my rebellious weekend was dinner out today. It was our first time eating out as a family in a long time. We went to a place known for being paleo diet friendly. I ordered a hamburger sans bun and Ellie got an elk burger! Without planning it, we had raw veggies for the first time - lettuce and tomato and pickle slices. Ellie was so excited about the veggies! So was I. We had so much fun being out. I think the months of working endlessly in the kitchen had really gotten to me and it was so nice to take a break.

Time will only tell whether taking all these risks was a good idea or not. I have a feeling we're in for a bad night. But it was worth it. Even if we have to take a step or two back tomorrow, it was great to feel "normal" - or closer to it - for a little while.

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Annie!! I'm a huge believer in moving forward, forward, forward through intro and not staying on it any longer than necessary, which is generally 3-6 weeks for most people. The boredom and frustration otherwise resulting are ails in their own right, and can trigger us to leap far off the path. I love that you are exploring more foods, and your approach that if no allergy shows, to just keep on eating! So glad you got to enjoy great food prepared by someone other than yourself, and more variety!
